Eugenia RICO (novelist; Spain) is the founder of the magazine Multiversidad. Her first novel Los amantes tristes [The Sad Lovers] (2000), was followed in 2002 by the Azorín Award- winning La muerte blanca [White Death], and La edad secreta [The Secret Age] in 2004. Her 2006 novel El otoño aleman [The German Autumn] won the Ateneo de Sevilla Award for Novel, and was her first work dedicated to the cycle of the Four Elements (Water); her latest work is Aunque seamos malditas [Even Though We Are Damned] (2008). Her articles and essays have been featured in Revista de Occidente, El País and El Mundo, and won the 2005 Spirituality Award and a UNICEF award. She is a recipient of the Valle-Inclán Fellowship from the Real Academia de España in Rome. Her participation is privately funded.