In a recent Haaretz piece, Odeh Bisharat describes the efforts of the Arab-Jewish solidarity movement Standing Together to collect food for needy Gazans as well as build a long-term political coalition.
During the fall residency, two academic courses bring UI students in working contact with the writers: the undergraduate-level International Literature Today (181:191 / IWP: 3191), and the graduate-level International Translation Workshop (181: 205 / IWP:5205). Check MyUI for additional fall and spring courses.
In collaboration with academic institutions worldwide, the program also offers English-language creative writing workshops around changing literary themes, in the format of Distance Learning courses. These may be taken for 1 s.h. credit by UI students; non-students anywhere in the world may open-enroll with the instructor's permission.
- Creative Writing Workshop (non-credit): University of Iowa / American University in Beirut (AUB)
- 181:101:EXV Creative Writing Poetry Workshop: University of Iowa / Glasgow University (Scotland)
- 181:101:EXW Native American & Maori Reading Group: University of Iowa / New Zealand
- 181:191:001 International Literature Today
- 181:205:001 International Translation Workshop
- 181:001:SCM Readings for Writers
- First Year Seminar - Durovicova -
Other Courses Taught
- 048:110 Cinema and Translation
- 181:152 America in Other Words
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