Participants by Genre

Participants: Critic

critic, fiction writer, poet

Kirpal SINGH (fiction writer, poet, critic, Singapore; born in Singapore, 1949) is a leading figure in the literature of the ASEAN region. Dr. Singh is head of the Division of Literature and Drama at the Singapore National Institute of Education. His books include Singapore Potpourri (1970), Articulations (1972), Twenty Poems (1976), Palm Readings (1986), Critical Engagements (1986), Jaspal + 2 (1997). He has participated in several international literary festivals all over the world. He has also been Writer-in-Residence in many different universities. Forthcoming titles include Catwalking (1997) and Why Make Love Twice (1998). His works have been the subject of serious studies by critics internationally and he is today regarded as a major voice in the Indian Diaspora as well as in Southeast Asia. His participation is supported by the Lee Foundation of Singapore.

critic, non-fiction writer, poet

Monica VELÁSQUEZ (poet, essayist, literary critic, Bolivia; born in La Paz, 1972) is a rising young writer whose latest book of poetry Tres nombres para un lugar ('Three Names for a Place') has garnered excellent reviews. Her book reviews, which run in major local newspapers, have a wide following. She has taken part in international literary conferences, including a fellowship to the University of Alicante (Spain), where she led a three-month seminar on Bolivian poetry, and the "Jalla" conference in Argentina (one of the most important annual events in Latin American literature). Ms. Velásquez now teaches at San Andres National University in La Paz, where she is also doing graduate work. She is at the IWP through the US Information Agency.

critic, fiction writer, translator

Bernardo Teixeira CARVALHO (born 1960, Rio de Janeiro) is a reporter and critic for Brazil's major daily newspaper. He is also a freelance consultant and translator for a prestigious Brazilian publishing firm. He is the author of three novels, Teatro (1998), Os Bêbados e os Sonâmbulos (1996; French edition, 1998); Onse (1965), and a collection of short stories, Aberração (1993; French edition, 1997). Educated at the Universidade de Sao Paulo and the Pontifica Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Carvalho holds an M.A. in Arts and Communications, with a dissertation on German Romanticism and the New German Cinema. In addition to Portuguese and English, he speaks and writes fluent French and understands Spanish. His participation in the IWP is supported by the Vitae Foundation.

critic, poet, translator

Jerzy JARNIEWICZ (born 1958, Lowicz) is Professor of English at Lodz University and Warsaw University. He is a literary critic and translator for Literatura Na Swiecie< (a literary monthly devoted to European literature) and a literary critic as well for Tygodnik Powszeckny< (a Krakow-based weekly). He speaks five languages (Polish, French, German, Russian, and English) and has translated over 20 books, including Philip Roth's Deception and Patrimony; Edmund White's A Boy's Own Story, and Seamus Heaney's essays. In addition, he has published four books of poetry in Polish and written various essays on American and British poetry and on contemporary Polish literature. Mr. Jarniewicz is currently working on a book on contemporary poetry. During his stay in the United States, he would like to meet poets and literary critics whose work is especially interesting to him: Thom Gunn (San Francisco), Paul Muldoon (Princeton), Robert Pinsky and Derek Walcott (Boston), Marjorie Perloff (Stanford), and Helen Vendler (Harvard). He would also like to interview Philip Roth. Mr. Jarniewicz has an interest in contemporary art and hopes to visit the Museum of Modern Art at the Guggenheim Museum. The US Information Agency is providing Mr. Jarniewicz's grant to the IWP.

critic, non-fiction writer

Marek ZALESKI (essayist, critic, Poland; born 1952, Lomza) is deputy editor-in-chief of the monthly Res Publica Nowa in Warsaw, and a researcher for the Institute for Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since 1982 he has published numerous articles in Polish dailies, magazines, and periodicals. He is the author of several books of literary history and criticism, including The Second Avant-Garde Adventure (1984, now in its second edition); Woe or Wit? and Forms of Memory. His scholarship specializes in the poetry of Czeslaw Milosz. The US Department of State is providing his support in the IWP.

critic, poet, translator

Arif Bagus PRASETYO is an art curator and the editor of the Jakarta literary journal “Prosa” (Prose). Winner of the national “Sanggar Minum Kopi Bali Award” for poetry, Mr. Prasetyo has recently published two volumes of art criticism, translations of Bharati Mukherjee and Octavio Paz, and his own selected poems, entitled Mahasukka (2000). He is participating courtesy of the Open Society Institute.

critic, editor, poet

Piotr SOMMER is a poet, critic, and editor of the monthly Literatura na _wiecie. He has translated the works of John Ashbery, John Berryman, Seamus Heaney, and numerous other American and Anglo-Irish poets, while many of his own poems, translations, and critical works have appeared in publications such as the New Yorker, Ploughshares, and the Times Literary Supplement. A collection, Things to Translate and Other Poems (1991), is available in English. His most recent book is Piosenka pasterska (1999). He is participating courtesy of the Jurzykowski Foundation.

Matthias GÖRITZ
2003 Resident
critic, poet, scholar

Matthias GÖRITZ (b. 1969, Hamburg) has taught at many German Universities as well as at Bard College in New York. A recipient of numerous fellowships, he has spent time in several European cities as well as New York and Chicago. His first book of poems, [Loops], was published in 2001 in German. He has contributed prose and poetry to many magazines, anthologies, and the major German newspapers, e.g.  Süddeutsche Zeitung and Die Welt.  With Chong Heyong, he co-translated Kim Kwang Kyu's [The Depth of the Shell];  and frequently translates from the English for the journal Sprache im technischen Zeitalter, where he is also a contributing editor. He is participating courtesy of Max Kade German Writer in Residence Program.

JEONG Han-Yong
2003 Resident
critic, poet, translator

JEONG Han Yong (b. 1958, Choongju) is editor of the two most influential literary magazines in Korea: Spirit & Expression and People Loving Poetry. The first magazine deals with multiple genres of literature while the latter is dedicated solely to poetry. He also manages PoemCafe (, a global network of poets which began in 2000 and now has more than 90 members worldwide. Mr. Jeong majored in modern Korean poetry, and received his Ph.D. at Kyeonghee University in Seoul. He has published three books of poems: The Appointment with a Stranger (1990), Sad Santa Fe (1994), and Nana Stories (1999). He also has a collection of essays titled Two Reports about Hell (1995). His next collection of poems will be out in late 2003. He is participating courtesy of the Korean Culture and Art Foundation.

Aleksandr Mikhaylovich ULANOV
2004 Resident, 2007 Visitor
critic, fiction writer, poet, translator

Aleksandr Mikhaylovich ULANOV (poet, writer, critic, translator; b. 1963, USSR; lives in Russia) earned a Ph.D. in engineering from Samara State Aerospace University, where he is currently an associate professor of aircraft engine design. Although he does not consider writing to be his principal occupation, he is extremely active in the Russian literary scene. Ulanov has over 250 publications to his credit, including works of poetry, short fiction, book reviews, articles on modern Russian literature, and translation works. He is participating courtesy of the US Congress Open World Program, and will be in Iowa City 9/16 to 9/30.

Dmitriy Vladimirovich KUZMIN
2004 Resident
critic, poet, publisher, translator

Dmitriy Vladimirovich KUZMIN attended the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Publishing and writing professionally for the last decade he has made a name for himself as one of the leading voices in contemporary Russian poetry. He is a winner of the Arion Prize for poetry and the Andrey Bely Prize for critical essays. Kuzmin founded the Vavilon Union of Young Poets, since 1989 the organizational hub for Moscow's experimental poetry scene. A long-time proponent of unique and radical poetic voices and an openly gay writer, Kuzmin is a somewhat controversial literary figure in Russia. Currently, he is the deputy chief editor of Column Publishing House, which features works by contemporary Russian writers. He is participating courtesy of the US Congress Open World Program.

2004 Resident
critic, fiction writer, poet

Adam WIEDEMANN (poet, literary and music critic, fiction writer; b. 1967, Poland) made his literary debut in 1996 with A Small Male, a collection of poems; several publications quickly followed. Animal Fables, a volume of rhyming poems, was published in 1997, and in 1998, Wiedemann brought forth a collection of short stories, The Omnipresence of Order , which was nominated for the Nike prize, Poland's most prestigious literary award. Completing his banner year was the release of Starter Motor, a book of poems, and Sek Pies Brew ("Cinque pieces breves,") a collection of five stories which brought Weidemann his second nomination for the Nike prize. In 1999, he won the Koscieleski Foundation Prize, which recognizes literary achievement in Polish writers under forty. Wiedemann's most recent publication is Lily of the Valley (2001). He is currently a doctoral candidate in Polish at the Jagiellonian University, and divides his time between Cracow and Grabow. He is participating courtesy of the University of Iowa.

2004 Resident
critic, fiction writer, poet

Sulkhan ZHORDANIA (literary critic, poet, writer; b. 1939, USSR; lives in Georgia) is a noted literary critic, fiction writer, and poet. He is a professor of English at the International Black Sea University, and at the Sokhumi Branch of Tbilisi State University where he teaches American literature, the short story, drama, and stylistics. His major works include Creative Development of Symbol (1982), Time and Poetry (1984), Silhouettes (1986), Melancholia and Happiness (1995), Apocalypse Today (1998) and Apricots in Bloom (2002), among others. Mr. Zhordania is participating courtesy of the Department of State.

2005 Resident
critic, poet

John MATEER has published five collections of poetry. He has won the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for Poetry in 2001, and the Centenary Medal for his contributions to Australian literature. His most recent book of poems, The Ancient Capital of Images, details his experiences living in South Africa, Australia, and Japan. In 2004 he also published Semar’s Cave: An Indonesian Journal, a travel account from Sumatra and Java, and contributes regularly essays and articles on contemporary art to Art Monthly Australia. He is participating courtesy of the Australian Council and the Chicago Humanities Festival.

2006 Resident
critic, editor, fiction writer, translator

Kseniya GOLUBOVICH has published the poetry collection Persona, the travelogue The Serbian Parable and the novel, Wishes Granted. She contributes essays on life in contemporary Russia to several newspapers and journals, including Logos, a philosophical magazine. She holds a MA from Moscow University, where she recently taught a special course on poets and power. She participates courtesy of the Open World Program.

2006 Resident
critic, journalist, poet, scholar

Partaw NADERI has published five poetry collections and several prose books on modern Afghan literature. His work has been translated into five languages, including English. An artist, scholar, journalist, and literary critic, Naderi has edited Zhwandoon Quarterly Magazine, directed the Art and Cultural Programs section for Radio Afghanistan, and reported on current affairs for BBC World Service. Currently, he is with the Afghan Civil Society Forum in Kabul. He participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.

Mikhail BUTOV
2006 Resident
critic, editor, fiction writer

Mikhail BUTOV was the youngest writer ever to receive the Russian Booker Prize in 1999 for his novel Freedom. His short stories, literary reviews, and other work have appeared in numerous Russian-language journals. In 2004, his short story “Relic” was anthologized in Five Russian Stories (USA). For the past ten years, he has served as Assistant to the Editor at Russia's main literary journal, Novi Mir. He consults for a number of Russian literary prizes, including the Bolshaia Kniga Award [Big Book], given for the most significant prose book of the year, and the Iu Kazakov Award for the year’s best story. He participates courtesy of the Open World Program.

2007 Resident
critic, fiction writer, playwright, screenwriter

Kiran NAGARKAR is a widely-read bilingual author in contemporary Indian literature, working in both English and Marathi. His novels and screenplays have been well received in India, England, Germany, and the U.S., leading to a Rockefeller Fellowship, the 2000 Sahitya Akademi Award for Best Novel (Cuckold, 1997), and a City of Munich Fellowship. Nagarkar’s latest novel in English, God’s Little Soldier (2006), has been translated into German, with French, Italian and Spanish translations forthcoming. He participates courtesy of the U.R. Ananthamurthy Foundation.

Lawrence PUN
2007 Resident
critic, fiction writer, non-fiction writer

Lawrence PUN (潘國靈) has authored three novels, most recently ‘The Lost Land’ (2005), and a number of non-fiction works. Among his awards are the Hong Kong Youth Literary Award, a Chinese Literature Creative Award, and the 7th Hong Kong Chinese Literary Biennial Award. His fiction appears regularly in journals and anthologies in Hong Kong and mainland China. He currently teaches creative writing at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He participates courtesy of the Asian Cultural Council.

2007 Resident
critic, editor, non-fiction writer, poet

Elena BOSSI has authored one collection of poetry, Jirones (‘Rags,’ 1990), and several volumes of literary criticism, most recently Seres Mágicos que habitan en la Argentina (‘Magical Beings of Argentina,’ 2007). Her work has been published in numerous magazines and journals. She has received fellowships from the University of Urbino (Italy) and the National Endowment for the Arts Secretariat of Culture in Argentina. She participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.


Happening Now

  • Najwan Darwish’s “A Violet Darkness” in Kareem James Abu-Zeid’s translation from the Arabic, is the  Poem-a Day for 9/19/24.

  • Among the 2024 recipients of the Premio Argentores, given for “the best of the previous year’s authorial production” is Cynthia Edul, for her documentary play “El punto de costura.”

  • In a recent Haaretz piece, Odeh Bisharat describes the efforts of the Arab-Jewish solidarity movement Standing Together to collect food for needy Gazans as well as build a long-term political coalition.

  • Among the upcoming titles at the lively regional CEEOL Press is 1945 and Other Stories., an English translation of Gábor Szántó’s Hungarian original.

  • An excerpt from Lidija Dimkovska’s most recent novel [Personal Identity Number] appears in the July 2024 issue of World Literature Today.

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