Participants by Genre

Participants: Scholar

2018 Resident
activist, scholar, translator

Rumena BUŽAROVSKA (fiction writer, editor, translator; Macedonia) has three books of fiction published and translated into several languages. Her story collection Mojot Maž, which won the Edo Budiša Award for Best Short Story Collection in 2016, will in 2019 appear from Dalkey Press as My Husband. A scholar, she is also an activist on behalf of marginalized populations in Macedonia. In 2016, Literary Europe Live named her one of Ten New Voices from Europe. She participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.

2018 Resident
poet, scholar

CAI Tianxin  蔡天新  (poet, essayist; China) is a professor of mathematics at Zhejiang University and the author of some 30 books of poetry, essays, and mathematics texts in China and abroad, including Every Cloud Has Its Own Name (2017) and Antologia Poetica (2014). A translator and editor of several poetry anthologies, he is the winner of the 2013 Naji Naaman Poetry Award (Beirut) and the 2017 National Award of Science and Technology (Beijing)  for his book of essays [Mathematical Legends]. His participation is made possible by the Paul and Hualing Engle Fund.

2019 Resident
poet, scholar, translator

Efe DUYAN (poetry, translation; architecture; Turkey) teaches architectural history and theory at Mimar Sinan Arts University. He has authored three poetry collections, most recently Sıkça sorulan sorular [Frequently Asked Questions] (2016), and publishes academic work on space in architecture and poetry. His debut novel [Other] is forthcoming. A co-director of the Gaziantep Poetry Festival, he has read at poetry festivals world wide; his work has been translated into 29 languages. He participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. State Department.

2019 Resident
poet, scholar, translator

Tade IPADEOLA (poetry, translation, prose; Nigeria) received the 2013 Nigeria Prize for Literature for his poetry collection The Sahara Testaments, which has been translated into four languages; in 2009 he won the Delphic Laurel for his poem “Songbird.” A Bellagio Rockefeller Fellow and a juror for the Nigeria Prize for Literature, he also translates poetry into Yoruba. He participates thanks to a grant from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.

Diana Del Angel
2021 Resident
activist, fiction writer, poet, scholar

Diana DEL ÁNGEL (fiction writer, journalist, poet, scholar, activist; Mexico) is the author of Vasija [Vessel] (2013), Procesos de la noche [Processes of the night] (2017) and Barranca [Ravine] (2018), as well as of critical writing in print and digital media; she has also translated poetry from the Nahuatl. A regular participant in contemporary poetry workshops in Mexico, she has been the recipient of fellowships and residencies in Mexico, USA, and Canada. Her participation is made possible by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the US Department of State. 

Gabriele Labanausiaite_cropped_Lithuania
2021 Resident
performance artist, playwright, poet, scholar

Gabrielė LABANAUSKAITĖ (poetry, drama, fiction; Lithuania) teaches drama theory and creative writing at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater. A “text producer,” she works across media, often in collective forms, also organizing poetry and stage events. She has published three poetry collections in CD/DVD format as well as a theory of drama narratives, Dramatika; a number of her plays have been staged in Lithuania and abroad. Her participation was made possible by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.

Fahri OZ_Turkey_cropped
2021 Resident, 2022 Spring Resident
editor, poet, scholar, translator

Fahri ÖZ (translator, scholar, poet; Turkey) has translated into Turkish many British and American 19th– and 20th-century poets, and is currently bringing into Turkish Walt Whitman’s and Emily Dickinson’s collected works. He is the co-editor of a collection of “sudden fiction,” Hayat Kısa Proust Uzun [Life is Short, Proust is Long] (2000),  and the author of the poetry volume Meşrutiyet Çok Bulutlu On Beş Santigrat Yağmur Olasılığı Sıfır  [Meşrutiyet Street: Heavily Overcast, 15 Degrees Celsius with Zero Chance of Rain] (2019). Until 2017, when he was dismissed for signing the Academics for Peace declaration, he taught at Ankara University. His participation is sponsored by the Institute for International Education, the University of Iowa, and private gifts.

2022 Fall Resident
critic, editor, poet, scholar

David ANUAR (poet, essayist, editor, translator; Mexico) teaches courses in creative writing and academic subjects at Colegio Universitario Angloamericano in Mérida. An award-winning author of five volumes of poetry, most recently Alguien hunde mi cabeza [Someone plunge my head down] (2021) and of two collections—one of stories, one of essays—he also translates Anglo-Caribbean poetry. A grant from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State funds his residency.

2022 Fall Resident
fiction writer, non-fiction writer, scholar, translator

KANG Byoung Yoong 강병융, КАН БЁН ЮН (fiction writer, essayist, translator, scholar; South Korea) is currently the Korean Studies Program Chair at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; previously, he has taught in Korea and in Russia. His stories and his ten novels—most recently 나는 빅또르 최다  [I Am Victor Choi]—often engage parodically with classics of world fiction. He is also and essayist and the author of scholarly works on modern Korean and Russian fiction, and on philosophy. His participation was made possible by Arts Council Korea (ARKO).

2022 Fall Resident
fiction writer, scholar

Nana ABULADZE ნანა აბულაძე (fiction writer, scholar; Georgia) is the author of two books: the novel აკუმი  (Akumi) which received two awards for the Best Literary Debut of the Year, and  მესა სოლისტი ქალებისა და შერეული გუნდისათვის  [The New Perception (A Mass for Women Soloists and a Mixed Choir)], a collection of stories about female biblical characters. She is working on a study of gender and authorship in Georgian literature. Her participation is made possible by an anonymous gift to IWP.

2022 Fall Resident
activist, editor, poet, scholar, translator

Judith SANTOPIETRO (poet, translator, editor, scholar; Mexico) has published the poem collections Palabras de Agua and Tiawanaku. Poemas de la Madre Coqa [Tiawanaku. Poems from the Mother Coqa]. Her poems appear in many anthologies, and her translations from the Spanish and the Nahuatl have received several awards. Between 2005 and 2016, she directed Iguanazul: literature on indigenous languages, a project to revitalize native languages through oral tradition, literature, and arts. Currently, she is working on narratives about enforced disappearances in Mexico. She participates courtesy the Paul and Hualing Engle Fund.

2022 Fall Resident
fiction writer, scholar

Fátima VILLALTA (fiction writer, researcher; Nicaragua) is the author of Danzaré sobre su tumba  [I will dance on his grave] (2011), which won the Nicaraguan Writers Center Narrative Prize and is on its 5th edition. Currently a Mexico-based researcher, she is preparing a book of stories about fictional moments in Nicaragua’s history. Her participation is courtesy the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.

2022 Fall Resident
fiction writer, playwright, poet, scholar

Endalegeta KEBEDE  እንዳለጌታ ከበደ  (fiction writer, poet, playwright, researcher; Ethiopia) is the author of over a dozen novels, stories, poems and staged plays. Among his titles are ከጥቁር ሰማይ ስር  [Under The Dark Sky],  የቃቄ ወርድወት እምቢ [The Defiant Woman], and በዓሉ ግርማ፡- ሕይወቱና ሥራዎቹ [Baalu: His Life and Works]. With a PhD in Folklore Studies, he has been an arts director at the Ethiopia Academy of Science, and the General Secretary of Ethiopian Writers Association. He is also the founder and manager of the Zagol Book Bank. He participates courtesy of the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa.

2022 Fall Resident
non-fiction writer, playwright, poet, scholar, screenwriter

Joaquín ORTEGA (playwright, essayist, poet, scholar; Venezuela) works across media and institutions. The author of a volume of poetry and of plays like “Lo escuche llorar en mi boca. Tríptico de Caracas” [I Heard Him Cry in My Mouth. A Caracas Triptych], he has long been a librettist for popular radio and TV comedy shows, and has also published La cultura del milenio: ensayos sobre creatividad [The Millennium Culture: Essays on Creativity]. He teaches at Universidad Central de Venezuela, in the School of Political and Administration Studies. His residency is made possible by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.

Fahri OZ_Turkey_cropped
2021 Resident, 2022 Spring Resident
editor, poet, scholar, translator

Fahri ÖZ (translator, scholar, poet; Turkey) has translated into Turkish many British and American 19th– and 20th-century poets, and is currently bringing into Turkish Walt Whitman’s and Emily Dickinson’s collected works. He is the co-editor of a collection of “sudden fiction,” Hayat Kısa Proust Uzun [Life is Short, Proust is Long] (2000),  and the author of the poetry volume Meşrutiyet Çok Bulutlu On Beş Santigrat Yağmur Olasılığı Sıfır  [Meşrutiyet Street: Heavily Overcast, 15 Degrees Celsius with Zero Chance of Rain] (2019). Until 2017, when he was dismissed for signing the Academics for Peace declaration, he taught at Ankara University. His participation is sponsored by the Institute for International Education, the University of Iowa, and private gifts.

2022 Spring Resident
critic, fiction writer, non-fiction writer, scholar

Silvia HOSSEINI (non-fiction; Finland) is a Tampere-based teacher, literary critic, and media commentator, and the author of essay collections Pölyn ylistys [In Praise of Dust] (2018) and Tie, totuus ja kuolema [The Way, The Truth, and Death] (2021). Hosseini was awarded the Kalevi Jäntti Prize and has been nominated for both the Helsingin Sanomat Literature Prize and the Toisinkoinen Literature Prize. She participates courtesy of an anonymous donor.

2022 Spring Resident
fiction writer, scholar, translator

Angel IGOV  Ангел Игов (novelist, translator, scholar; Bulgaria). teaches English literature and Translation at Sofia University. He is the author of three novels, among them Фини прахови частици [Particulate Matter] (2017), shortlisted for the Novel of the Year Award; Кротките [The Meek] (2015), whose German translation shared the 2020 HKW International Literary Prize; Кратка повест за срама (2011), appearing in the US as A Short Tale of Shame (2013); and two collections of short stories. Igov translates contemporary British and American prose and poetry. His participation was made possible by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.

2022 Spring Resident
editor, fiction writer, publisher, scholar

Abdelaziz ERRACHIDI عبد العزيز الراشدي   (fiction and non-fiction; Morocco) is a professor of Arabic literature at Ibn Tofaïl University in Kenitra and the director of the publishing house AlKassaba. Among his numerous novels and story collections are [Body of clouds] (2018), [Kitchen of Love] (2013), [Foreigners at my Table] (2009) and [Childhood of a Frog] (2005). A recipient of many awards including the Al Sharjah Arabic Novel Prize, Egypt's Sakyat Essaw Prize and UAE’s Ibn Battuta Prize for his 2014 travel book [Sindbad of Sahara], he has had his works translated widely. He participates courtesy of funding from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.

B. PIerre
2022 Spring Visitor
fiction writer, journalist, scholar


Beaudelaine PIERRE, journalist, scholar, and novelist, writes about her native Haiti and her adopted Youwès. She is the author of You May Have the Suitcase Now (2021) and the co-editor of the trilingual anthology How to Write an Earthquake / Comment écrire et quoi écrire / Mou pou 12 Janvyé (2011). Her debut novel Testaman appeared in 2002, followed by La Nėgresse de Saint Domingue (2010) and L'enfant qui voulait devenir président (2012). A 2007 alum of the International Writing Program, she is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at Saint Catherine University in Saint-Paul Minnesota.

2022 Spring Visitor
editor, fiction writer, non-fiction writer, publisher, scholar


IWP alum Billy Karanja KAHORA is the author of the non-fiction novella The True Story Of David Munyakei (2010) and the story collection The Cape Cod Bicycle War (2019). His stories have been shortlisted for the Caine Prize for Africa Writing; among his award-winning screenplays are those for Soul Boy and Nairobi Half Life. His work has appeared in Chimurenga, McSweeney’s, Granta Online, Internazionale, Vanity Fair, Kwani? , and elsewhere. Among his numerous organizational appointments, he has been the managing editor of Kwani Trust, a Nairobi-based literary network, and the curator of its festival.  A founding partner of Saseni!, a creative writing teaching platform, he currently teaches Creative Writing at the University of Bristol (UK).


Happening Now

  • Najwan Darwish’s “A Violet Darkness” in Kareem James Abu-Zeid’s translation from the Arabic, is the  Poem-a Day for 9/19/24.

  • Among the 2024 recipients of the Premio Argentores, given for “the best of the previous year’s authorial production” is Cynthia Edul, for her documentary play “El punto de costura.”

  • In a recent Haaretz piece, Odeh Bisharat describes the efforts of the Arab-Jewish solidarity movement Standing Together to collect food for needy Gazans as well as build a long-term political coalition.

  • Among the upcoming titles at the lively regional CEEOL Press is 1945 and Other Stories., an English translation of Gábor Szántó’s Hungarian original.

  • An excerpt from Lidija Dimkovska’s most recent novel [Personal Identity Number] appears in the July 2024 issue of World Literature Today.

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