This documentary follows four renowned American artists—two writers, a choreographer, and a composer—as they travel to Guangzhou, China, to engage disabled and non-disabled populations by collaborating and creating together through a reading tour organized by the International Writing Program. The film ends with a rousing performance of song, dance, and poetry.
A Film by Kaitlyn Busbee // 凱特琳
Christopher Merrill // 克里斯
Stephen Kuusisto // 史蒂芬
Michelle Pearson // 米雪兒
David Gompper // 大衛
With an Original Score by David Gompper // 大衛
Translated by Ya-Chen Fu // 傅雅楨
Post-Production Visual Effects by Jacob Holland // 雅各
Special Thanks To:
US Consulate in Guangzhou
Kelly Bedeian
Janice Englehart
Natasa Durovicova
Samantha Nissen
Joseph Tiefenthaler
University of Iowa School of Music Riverside Recital Hall
and all the giving participants.
This film was created in collaboration with the University of Iowa International Writing Program // 国际写作计划