"On the Map" is a series of interviews with writers while they are in Iowa City participating in the International Writing Program's fall residency. The series is produced by the IWP at the University of Iowa and is made possible by a grant from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. Dénes KRUSOVSZKY (poet, translator; Hungary) is the editor of the literary quarterly Ex Symposion and of the JAK World Literature Series, featuring contemporary foreign fiction and poetry in Hungarian. He has published three volumes of poetry, Az összes nevem [All My names] (2006), Elromlani milyen [How It Feels To Go Wrong] (2009), and A felesleges part [Indeed Shore] (2011), for which he was awarded the József Attila Prize. His recent translations include the work of Armitage, Ashbery, Cohen, Collins, Hall, Hughes, Kooser and O'Hara. He participated courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.