
Between the Lines 2025 has been cancelled. Please read this important update from the IWP.

International Chaperones (Non-U.S.-Based)

Between the Lines is cancelled for 2025. Please see the IWP announcement for more information. 

The BTL program will include a cultural exchange opportunity for 3 overseas educators accompanying young writers as chaperones. A substantive creative writing and professional development program created by the IWP will enable chaperones to further their skills while providing unconditional support to young writers during their time in the United States. 

Ideal candidates should be multicultural- and inclusive-minded educators with experience in working creatively with young people in English (reading, writing, and speaking) in their respective countries, and able to participate effectively in and provide support of intercultural exchange.  

Between the Lines: Peace and the Writing Experience will take place from July 12 through July 26, 2025 at the University of Iowa campus in Iowa City, Iowa. U.S. Embassies and Consulates in the following countries are invited to nominate chaperones for the 2025 BTL program: Algeria, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, India, Iraq, Malawi, Morocco, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Ukraine, Qatar, Zimbabwe. Between the Lines is paid for by funds from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Therefore, international applicants should apply to the Cultural Affairs Office at the U.S. embassy or consulate in their country. The post will submit the materials below on your behalf.

The deadline to submit materials on your behalf is February 24, 2025. Embassies and consulates will have internal deadlines, so it is highly encouraged to reach out to your post as soon as possible. If you need assistance in connecting with the post, we are happy to help, please email


If the U.S. embassy or consulate in your home country agrees to nominate you, you will be required to supply the following: 

  • APPLICATION FORM: An international chaperone application form link will be provided to you by your embassy or consulate. 
  • WRITING SAMPLE: An essay, in English, of no more than three pages in response to the following prompt: “In what way does your identity influence you as an educator or mentor for youth?”
  • STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: A brief statement of purpose (no more than 250 words), in English, describing what he/she/they hopes to achieve at BTL. 
  • PROMPT RESPONSE: A brief response (no longer than 300 words) to the following: “An essential component of Between the Lines is encouraging participants to explore the unfamiliar and unknown in a safe and supportive setting. Please describe a time in your past when you had to engage with a new situation, person, or idea that initially felt uncomfortable or strange. How did you proceed? If you had the chance, what would you do the same, and what would you do differently?”

For more information, please visit the FAQ by clicking here.