My worst day

Muna Abukar Rage

I am by the name Muna Abukar Rage, 19 years of age who lives in Dagahaley refugee camp, who is now learning her last year of secondary school. The worst day in my life was when I met one of my girl friend who was my classmate. Misfortunately she became a school dropout because her parents forced her to marry a man who looks after cattle, although I was her friend she came to me and asked me what to do. I decided to go and see her parents and inform them that their girl is in education yet her last year of secondary, but the girl’s father said

“What is the need to educate a girl?” I felt sorrow when I saw how my fellow sisters are considered and the category they are placed by most parents. Girls are always put back and are made to be servant instead of taking them to school. This makes me cry and feel sad whenever I recall the accident that happened to my friend Asha.

What makes me shed tears is when I see how girl child education is considered.

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