
Between the Lines 2025 has been cancelled. Please read this important update from the IWP.

International Students (Non-U.S.-Based)

Between the Lines is cancelled for 2025. Please see the IWP announcement for more information. 

Between the Lines: Peace and the Writing Experience will take place from July 12 through July 26, 2025 at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa. U.S. Embassies and Consulates in the following countries are invited to nominate young writers for the 2025 BTL program: Algeria, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, India, Iraq, Malawi, Morocco, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Ukraine, Qatar, Zimbabwe. Between the Lines is paid for by funds from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Therefore, international applicants should apply to the Cultural Affairs Office at the U.S. embassy or consulate in their country. The post will submit the materials below on your behalf.

The deadline to submit materials on your behalf is February 24, 2025. Embassies and consulates will have internal deadlines, so it is highly encouraged to reach out to your local embassy or consulate as soon as possible. If you need assistance in connecting with your local post, we are happy to help, please email


If the U.S. embassy or consulate in your home country agrees to nominate you, you will be required to supply the following: 

  • APPLICATION FORM: An international student application form link will be provided to you by your embassy or consulate. 
  • WRITING SAMPLE: A writing sample of 6–8 pages of original prose (creative fiction/ nonfiction) and/or poetry in English. Critical essays (book reports, academic reports, and so forth) will not be accepted; submissions may be one cohesive piece or several pieces of creative work to meet this requirement. Poems may be single-spaced with multiple poems per page. Document types accepted: PDF, DOC, DOCX. All writing samples must be sent in 12-point font, double-spaced, and have one-inch margins.
  • STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: A brief statement of purpose (no more than 250 words), in English, describing why writing is important to the applicant’s life, and what he/she/they hope to learn at BTL.
  • PROMPT RESPONSE: A brief response (no longer than 300 words) to the following: "In our daily lives, we navigate many distinct roles—student, sibling, daughter, son, peer. We negotiate family, friends, community and educational groups as well as class, gender, race, country, and so many other groups, adjusting the way we speak or behave to fit (our perceived) demands of each encounter. As we move through the day, we work through how and why we occupy each role. We consider (we reflect on) personal stories to help us understand and empathize with stories outside of our lived experiences. What do you consider to be the strongest, most central aspects of your identity? What does it mean to you to be a member of (or seen as a member of) a particular group? How can stories about your own lived experience counter what others may think about who you are? In what way does your identity influence you as a creative writer and reader?"

An information session for potential applicants and their families will be welcome to meet us to learn more about the program and what to expect during the residency. 

Topic: BTL 2025 Information and Q&A Session with IWP staff and BTL Alumni
Time: January 30, 2025, 8:00 am CST
Where: Zoom (students and families welcome!)

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