TANG Siu Wa 鄧小樺(poet, essayist; Hong Kong) is the author of two poetry collections [A Bottle Unmoved and The Opposite of Sounds], two volumes of prose writing [A Motley of Banalities and Just Like Nothing Happens], and a collection of interviews [Asking Directions from the People]; she is the editor of the collections [Wait and See: Collected Works of Six New Hong Kong Writers], [The Tomb of Film] and [The Same Darkness Befalls Dawn: Hong Kong June Fourth Poetry]. Tang Siu-wa is a founding editor of the literary magazine Fleurs des lettres and a co-founder of the House of Hong Kong Literature; a literary organizer and human rights activist, she teaches creative writing at various Hong Kong institutions, and contributes columns and criticism to a variety of local media. She participates courtesy of the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation.