WONG Eva Yi 黃怡 [fiction writer, essayist, librettist, editor; Hong Kong] is the author of short stories collections 擠迫之城的戀愛方法 [Ways To Love In A Crowded City], 林葉的四季 [The Four Seasons of Lam Yip], 補丁之家 [Patched Up], and 據報有人寫小說 [News Stories], as well as the libretti for Cantonese-language chamber opera [Women Like Us] 兩個女子, and multimedia concert 幸福家庭與狗 [The Happy Family]. She won the 2018 Hong Kong Arts Development Award for Young Artist (Literary Arts) and was in 2020 among the “20 most anticipated young Sinophone novelists” in the Taiwanese magazine Unitas. She is working on stories exploring Hong Kong’s historical monuments, and on texts for performance with music and other art forms. Her participation was made possible by the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Global.