HAN Junghyun (fiction writer; South Korea) is a novelist. Her debut short novel '아돌프와 알베르트의 언어' [The Language of Adolf and Albert] won the Dong-a Ilbo New Writer’s Contest in 2015. In 2019, she won the Today's Writer Award for her novel '줄리아나도쿄' [Juliana Tokyo]. In 2020, she won the Young Writer's Award and the Queer Literature Award for her queer romance '우리의 소원은 과학소년' [Our Wish is a Science Boy]. In 2021, she won the Kim Yu Jeong Literature Award and the BUMA Democratic Uprising Literary Award for '쿄코와 쿄지' [Kyoko and Kyoji]. Her participation was made possible by a grant from Arts Council Korea (ARKO).
South Korea