Péter ZÁVADA (poet, playwright, translator, teacher; Hungary) is the author of the poetry collection Wreck in Lee (2017), for which he won the Horváth Péter Literary Scholarship, in addition to four other books of poetry. He is also a recipient of the Öarkény István Playwriting Scholarship (2016), the Móricz Zsigmond Literary Scholarship (2017), and the Cogito Prize for Young Philosophers (2023). Several of his plays have been produced to acclaim in Budapest, Nyitra, and Dresden, and The Kertész Street Shaxpeare Carwash won the Critic’s Choice Award for the best Hungarian theatre production of the year in 2021. At an early age, Závada was part of the highly successful rap group Akkezdet Phiai. He currently holds a full-time position as a senior lecturer in the Eötvös Loránd University Department of Aesthetics. His participation is made possible by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.