Smith LIKONGWE (playwright, poet, fiction and nonfiction writer, academic; Malawi) is a lecturer in Drama and Theatre Studies at the University of Malawi. He also serves as the president of the Association Internationale du Théâtre pour l'Enfance et la Jeunesse (ASSITEJ) Malawi. His publications include Kamuzu Banda and Other Pays (2019), Living Playscripts: A Trilogy (2018), and Prose, Poetry and Drama: A Malawian Anthology (2023). He is the editor and a contributor for the anthologies The Chief’s Blanket and Other Plays (2018), Southern African Plays Collection (2018), and Chamdothe ndi zisudzo zina [Chamdothe and Other Plays] (2018), among others. He has also written two children’s books in the Chichewa language and many plays that aired as part of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation’s various radio drama programs. His participation was made possible by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.