is a prominent figure in Russian-language literature of Central Asia. His work embraces modern and traditional Uzbeki themes and poetry genres; he seeks to express them in traditional as well as in contemporary, often Western, forms. From 1991 to 1996 he was the editor of The Star of the East , an influential, post-independence literary journal in Tashkent. He has published ten books of poetry and fiction, as well as essays on issues of democracy and national problems in Central Asia. An orchestrated campaign led to his ouster from The Star of the East, and to a publishing blacklist. Subsequently he worked on a World Bank Project, aimed at publicizing the Aral Sea ecological disaster; more recently, however, his dissenting views have made it impossible to find work. His last two books are Rubai quatrains, aimed to give new life to a medieval poetic genre. After a nine-month wait for a visa, he will spend a year at the University of Iowa, serving as the International Program's first Public Intellectual. He is participating courtesy of the Institute for International Education.