Elena SALAMANCA (poet, historian, fiction writer, art curator; El Salvador) is the author of several multidisciplinary books of poetry, fiction, and scholarly historical work. She has published three bilingual editions of her poetry translated into English: Tal vez monstruos [Monsters Maybe] (2022), Landsmoder (2022), and La familia o el olvido [Family or Oblivion] (2017). She is the creator, author, researcher, and co-coordinator of the collection SIEMPREVIVAS: Extraordinary Women in the History of El Salvador (2022). She is a three-time recipient of the National Poetry Prize in El Salvador, and her books have been published in the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Though she currently lives in Mexico, she continues to work as an academic, artist, and activist in El Salvador. Her participation is made possible by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.