Poetry Master Class

Course Description

Once you’ve written the first draft of a poem, what happens next? In this poetry workshop, we will study diverse examples of radical revision, ranging from Walt Whitman’s obsessive reconsiderations of Leaves of Grass to Elizabeth Bishop’s drafts of “One Art.” Additionally, we will expand the definition of revision to include alternative editing strategies culled from the likes of Frank O’Hara, Robert Hass, Lyn Hejinian, and Srikanth Reddy. We will actively use workshop participants’ poems as generators for new writing. As each drafting of a piece is an opportunity to rethink its destination, the class will forego mere tinkering in an effort to offer each work presented for workshop profound opportunities to transform its very strategies, meanings, and intentions. Deeply and generously inhabiting one another’s work, participants will be encouraged to offer inspired exercises that challenge one another’s visions. With an open mind, we will embrace all kinds of revision exercises, including chance operations, pointed research assignments, the investigation of outtakes and omissions, formal challenges, sonic dares, and all uppings of the poetic ante that kindle the reinvigoration of the creative act. We will write new work each week.


Fifteen poets hailing from Argentina, Bangladesh, Germany, India, Kenya, Burma/Myanmar, New Zealand, and the United States will participate in the master class. Participants were selected from among a large pool of highly-qualified applicants representing twenty-three countries.


Nick TWEMLOW is a poet and filmmaker from Topeka, Kansas and a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. In 2013, his poetry collection Palm Trees (Green Lantern Press) received the Poetry Society of America’s Norma Farber First Book Award. In addition to writing poetry, Twemlow is an accomplished filmmaker and a 2011 recipient of a Princess Grace Honorarium in Filmmaking. His films have been shown at a number of festivals, including Tribeca, South by Southwest, and Slam Dance. He is currently a Senior Editor of The Iowa Review and a co-editor of Canarium Books, a small press publisher of contemporary poetry.

Happening Now

  • Congratulations to Enah Johnscott, whose film Half Heaven won three awards at the Cameroon International Film Festival—best film, best director, and best cinematographer.

  • We regret the passing, on April 11, 2024, of the distinguished Romanian author and critic Dan Cristea, who served as the editor in chief of the Luceafărul de Dimineață cultural monthly. In addition to being an alum of the 1985 Fall Residency, Cristea received his PhD in Comparative Literature at the University of Iowa.

  • Our congratulations to 1986 Fall Residency writer Kwame Dawes, who has been named the new poet laureate of Jamaica.

  • Congratulations to our colleagues Jennifer Croft and Aron Aji, who are among those serving as judges for the National Book Awards this year, in their case in the category of translated literature.

  • Ranjit Hoskote’s speech at the 2024 Goa Literary Festival addresses the current situation in Gaza.

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