Exchanges and Events

The IWP's online events offer unique opportunities for students, writers, and teachers in Iowa City and abroad to join in the experience of live performances, readings, and discussions. Supported by the United States Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the University of Iowa, each event is designed to provide a window onto the communities of the IWP, the University of Iowa, and the Iowa City UNESCO City of Literature.

The IWP's online exchanges bring together writers and artists in far-flung communities for collective creative work. Exchanges offer live video meetings; asynchronous online workshopping; and ongoing opportunities for collaboration across geographical divides. Each exchange is led by facilitators who are experienced teachers and mentors with substantial professional credentials. Supported by the United States Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the University of Iowa, each exchange is designed to facilitate the formation of new international relationships and communities.

Past Exchanges and Events

To view our past exchanges and events, please visit the Past Distance Learning Programming page.

Exchange Collections

The IWP's past exchanges featured collaborations between writers and photographers from around the world. Their work is showcased on the Collections from the IWP Experience website (

For inquiries about our exchanges and events, or other online programming, please email us by selecting "Digital Learning courses"  from the drop-down menu on our contact form here >

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