Applying to an Open-Application Course

Upcoming Courses

The IWP has not yet announced upcoming open-application courses. Future announcements will be made on the IWP website and via email. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please email Distance Learning Coordinator Susannah Shive at

Application Process

Each Open-Application Course will be taught entirely online and is free of charge. Anyone with an internet connection is encouraged to apply, regardless of where you live.

These courses will be taught in English and will be limited to fifteen writers by application only. International writers are encouraged to apply.

The courses are designed for experienced writers with an active commitment to studying and refining the practice of writing, but no previous experience is required.

To apply for upcoming courses, please send the following materials to

Application Materials

1. Resume or CV, 1 page

Please include your name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number.

2. Statement of Purpose, 1 page

In this statement, please describe what you hope to achieve by taking the Advanced Nonfiction Seminar and your previous experience or education, if any, in creative writing.

3. Nonfiction Writing Sample, 3 pages maximum

The writing sample must be nonfiction and your own original work. You are welcome to submit published or unpublished work.

All materials must be Word or PDF documents.


Please contact distance learning coordinator Susannah Shive at

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