Turned a Lion Overnight

Ali Hussein Sahal

One of the fine nights as I was in a deep sleep I started going through a long journey of life. It started as I have just found myself excelling with the maximum grade in my school. The people of the whole camp soon started to look for me. Immediately the result was broadcasted.

I was told by my mother not to go out of the room. People filled up our compound like spectators who are eagerly determined to watch a fierce game. Everyone was asking about me, drums were being beaten by some man eagerly waiting to see me.

The other day all the people of the country decided to look for me. The camp was filled up with people. In the compound people were still filling it up. You could not find where to get fresh air, the environment was hot.

The??? sun was now rising. It was chilly and cool. I awoke and found I was poorly lying on my bed.

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