In my wonderful day

Isnino Sirat Jilal

Once a time there was a man in my neighbourhood who had no child who used to entertain the children and all people knew the character of the man. Some people said a long time he had children but his children had passed away. So whenever all the children are visiting I used to hide myself in order not to see that man. One day my mother said to me, have you ever seen that man? I said no. She told me why don’t you see him – he is a good man and he used to give children whatsoever they lack. I said to her I will go today If Allah says. That evening I tried to go and when I reached the house of the man it was burning and all the children were running away from the house while before they used to run to that house. I told them why are you running and they didn’t talk to me and I passed them in order to see that man today. When I reached there actually I missed all the things that I had and it was my first day to visit that man. A proverb said the more you leave the more you encounter, so whenever I remember that day I regret it so much because it was the first I saw that man in happy but it can refer to what I want.

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