Paul Engle - Poet and Advocate of Iowa Writers' Workshop (2008)


Iowa City, Iowa has been named one of three world "Cities of Literature" by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It could be said that the city's literary reputation began in 1936 with the Iowa Writers' Workshop, and was promoted to world prominence by poet Paul Engle. Engle, a 1919 graduate of the University of Iowa not only made the Iowa Writers' Workshop famous, he also co-founded with his wife, his wife, Hualing Nieh Engle, the International Writer's Workshop, and was involved in organizing the National Council on the Arts. This 1991 video contains excerpts from Iowa Public Television's collection of programs about the poet. Also seen is his daughter, dancer Laulan King. For more from IPTV visit...


Happening Now

  • In addition to becoming the Berlin LitFest’s first curator-in-residence, Helon Habila has also just received Kaduna Books and Art Festival’s KabaFest Lifetime Achievement Award, celebrating his "exceptional writing and significant contributions to the development of literature globally."

  • Congratulations to Enah Johnscott, whose film Half Heaven won three awards at the Cameroon International Film Festival—best film, best director, and best cinematographer.

  • We regret the passing, on April 11, 2024, of the distinguished Romanian author and critic Dan Cristea, who served as the editor in chief of the Luceafărul de Dimineață cultural monthly. In addition to being an alum of the 1985 Fall Residency, Cristea received his PhD in Comparative Literature at the University of Iowa.

  • Our congratulations to 1986 Fall Residency writer Kwame Dawes, who has been named the new poet laureate of Jamaica.

  • Congratulations to our colleagues Jennifer Croft and Aron Aji, who are among those serving as judges for the National Book Awards this year, in their case in the category of translated literature.

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