• Americas
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • South America
  • Argentina

Marina PORCELLI (fiction writer, essayist; Argentina) is the author of the novella Cuaderno de invierno  [ A Winter Notebook] (2021), a collection of essays on gender Nausica. Viaje al otro lado de la otredad  [Nausicaa. Journey to the Other Side of Otherness] (2021), the story collections La cacería [The Hunt] (2016) and De la noche rota  [Of the Broken Night] (2009/2021), and others. Her work has garnered her the 2014 Edmundo Valadés Ibero-American Award and the 2021 Eduardo Mallea National Essay Award; she has attended residences in Mexico, Canada, and China. A frequent contributor to Latin American newspapers, she writes the column “Nocaut Lírico” [The Lyrical Knockout] about gender and boxing for Playboy Mexico.  Her participation was made possible by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.

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