Tag: Iwp

| 38 results

Christopher Merrill, Director of the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa, explains the valuable cultural exchanges that take place each...

Documentary, Interview, Other

Co-founder and tireless supporter of the International Writing Program (IWP) at the University of Iowa, Hualing Nieh Engle receives the 2012 International...

Interview, Performance/
Community of the Imagination (1973)

This hour-long documentary was commissioned by the United States Information Agency, one of the early funders of the IWP. Its producer and director Gerald...


Iowa City, Iowa has been named one of three world "Cities of Literature" by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)....

Documentary, Interview
Bina Shah

Bina Shah, a Karachi-based novelist and alumna of the International Writing Program (IWP) at the University of Iowa, shares her thoughts about the power of...

Between the Lines

Between the Lines (BTL) invites high-school students of differing nationalities, ages 16 to 19, to the University of Iowa campus for a unique summer program...

Documentary, Interview


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