Participants by Genre

Participants: Fiction writer

fiction writer, poet
Rasiah HALIL
fiction writer, playwright
fiction writer
Adolfo Franco CÁRDENAS
fiction writer
Gustav MURIN
fiction writer, playwright
György SPIRÓ
fiction writer
Mohammed Ali GODUS
fiction writer
Khadi FALL
fiction writer, playwright
fiction writer
Hanna KRALL-Szperkowicz
fiction writer
Joo Ming CHIA
fiction writer, journalist, non-fiction writer

Stephan SANDERS is a well-known figure in the Netherlands for his widely read commentary in major newspapers and his participation in literary and cultural debates on national television. He studied philosophy and political science at the University of Amsterdam. Since 1982 he has published articles in numerous Dutch weeklies and newspapers and has worked for several radio stations. Since his debut in 1991 he published four collections of essays and stories. He is a member of the Dutch Rushdie Defense Committee and of the European Writers' Parliament. Stephan Sanders is known for his sharp, independent and bright comments in Holland's leading newspaper de Volkskrant. He is attending the IWP on a full grant from the Foundation for the Production and Translation of Dutch Literature.

critic, fiction writer, journalist

Adovi John-Bosco Adotévi is director of the independent weekly, Motion d'Information. His extensive knowledge of African politics and world affairs comes from long experience as head of the foreign news departments for periodicals in Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire, as well as his association with the ANB-BNA news agency in Brussels. He holds a law degree from the University of Bordeaux (France), and in post-graduate studies in law (the diplome d'etudes superieures) from the Faculty of Law and Economic Studies in Dakar. One of his country's most distinguished critics, Mr. Adotévi is known throughout the region for his novel Sacrilege a Mandali, and for such essays as L'Apartheid et la societe international ("Apartheid and International Society"). His participation in the IWP is supported by the US Information Agency's International Visitor Program.

fiction writer, poet, translator

Miklos MOLNAR leads an international workshop for translators and researchers of Hungarian literature. As a young writer confronting the Communist system, he was unable to finish university and worked as a manual laborer for some years before starting a career as translator of Anglo-Saxon literature. Since then, he has been a freelance writer and translator of German and French works, in addition to translating the short fiction of Capote, Updike, Frost, and Ginsberg among others. He founded and co-owned a small publishing house, and worked on the editorial staff of various Hungarian literary reviews. He was the 1984 recipient of the Kassak Prize for Avant Garde Literature, the prestigious Attila Jozsef Prize in 1990, and held a scholarship from the French Ministry in Education in 1991. He is interested in Sufism and its impact on mystical writing. He is a USIA grantee at the IWP.

fiction writer

Madhubhashini Manjarika Kumari DISANAYAKA is lecturer in English at the University of Colombo and a freelance journalist for the Sunday Times. She has also served as a script writer for the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation, is a violinist with the Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka, and has performed the sitar on Sri Lanka's national television. Her short story collection Driftwood was named the best collection of short stories (in manuscript) by the National Arts Council of Sri Lanka in 1990. She has been active in introducing Sinhala writers to the English language-reading public through her weekly column. She is a grantee of the USIA.

fiction writer

Buket UZUNER is, because of her mass appeal, potentially "the next Orhan Pamuk." (Mr. Pamuk, Turkey's leading author, attended the IWP in 1985.) Her novels include Two Green Water Sables, Their Mothers, Fathers, Lovers, and the Others (written in 1991, issued in its 16th edition in 1996); and The Sound of Fishsteps (1993; 10th edition, 1996). Her short story collections have similarly undergone multiple reprintings. She earned the M.S. in biology from Haceteppe University in Ankara, and did graduate work in public health at the University of Michigan, and graduate studies in Norwegian and Ecology at the University of Bergen in Norway. She is currently editor for foreign literature at the Remzi Publishing House and a reviewer for the weekly edition of the daily, Cumhuriyet. She is jointly supported at the IWP by the USIA and the board of the Turkish Airlines.

fiction writer

Viviana Irene LYSYJ is the author of a collection of short stories, Erotopolis, Erotic Rocks (Buenos Aires: Ediciones La Flor, 1994). She studied literature at the University of Buenos Aires, and teaches French at the language laboratory of that University and at several secondary schools. She has worked for cultural magazines such as Cultura Diario Sur, Revista con V. de Vian, Relatos El Libertino, and also worked for a section of the Pagina 12 newspaper. The Fundacion Antorchas is providing her fellowship.

fiction writer

Petr Markovich ALESHKOVSKIY is considered one of the most interesting contemporary writers in his country today. The author of five books, his novel The Life of Ferret was short-listed for Russia's equivalent of the Booker Prize; his latest novel is Vladimir Chigrintsev. Educated at the Moscow State University, Mr. Aleshkovskiy was a scholar at the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies in Washington, D.C. in 1989 when his program there was interrupted by the breakup of the Soviet Union. He is particularly interested in the American Midwest and the American South (since his novels are set in the Russian provinces), and he'd like to write a book of essays on the American countryside. Two international publications of his work are underway, one in Frankfurt and another in the United States. He is a grantee of the USIA.

fiction writer, journalist

Roberto AMPUERO is a lecturer of literature and journalism at the University of Vina del Mar, and a columnist for Santiago's leading newspaper El Mercurio. Among his widely published novels are Quién mató a Cristian Kustermann? (Santiago: 1993), Der Schluessel liegt in Bonn (Berlin: 1995), Boleros en La Habana (Buenos Aires: 1995), and El Aleman de Atacama, forthcoming in November. He studied at the University of Chile and the University of Havana, studying Latin American and Spanish literature and social anthropology. He has worked extensively in Bonn and Berlin as a translator, a foreign correspondent, chief editor of the magazine Desarrollo y Cooperación in Bonn, and moderator for a program on Deutsche-Welle TV. He has received the Artes y Letras prize, and the Municipal Prize for Literature from the City of Valparaíso. He is supported by a grant from the Fundación Andes.

fiction writer

Rodrigo FRESAN is felt to be perhaps the most important young writer in Argentina today. He is editor of the prestigious magazine Pagina 30. The widespread impact of his work is felt through his novels which have been described as "compelling, often moving, meditations" on the influence of North American culture on Argentine society. His novel, Historia Argentina, is a humorous analysis of Argentina's cultural development in the past decade; his new novel Esperanto is scheduled for publication by Gallimard in France, and his short fiction has been anthologized in Chile, Spain, Venezuela, and England. He looks forward to completing his next two novels, tentatively titled Ciencias Exactas and Mambru, while he is at the University of Iowa. The USIA is providing his fellowship.

fiction writer

OTHMAN Puteh (fiction writer, Malaysia; born in Malacca) is associate professor at the Malaysian National University, and teaches creative writing at the Malaysian National Academy. His publications include several collections of short fiction, among them Dunia Belum Berakhir (1989); Datangnya Macam Malaikat (Heinemann Books, 1982); Jeneral (PF 13, 1992). Dr. Othman, a graduate of the Sultan Idris Teacher's Training College in Perak, has written many books on literary theory, creative writing, children's literature and Malaysian literary history. His latest book, forthcoming from Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, is Landas Kreativiti: Penulisa Cerpen. He is actively involved in the regional scene, leading workshops, judging competitions, giving talks throughout Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam. The Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Malaysia is providing his grant support.


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