Participants by Genre

Participants: Fiction writer

2008 Visitor, 2010 Resident
fiction writer

Alan CHERCHESOV has published the novels Requiem for Living (1994; and, in English, Northwestern University Press, 2005), [Wreath for the Grave of the Wind, 2000], and [Villa Belle-Lettre, 2005], as well as short stories; he is currently working on his fourth novel, Don Ivan. His translation of Wambaugh’s The New Centurions appeared in 1992. Cherchesov is the president of the Institute of Civilization, a private educational institute in Vladikavkaz, in North Ossetia. The recipient of a number of literary prizes, he was a finalist for the 2001 and 2006 Russian Booker Awards. His participation is provided courtesy of the William B. Quarton Foundation.

Maxine CASE
2009 Resident
fiction writer

Maxine CASE is a senior writer for the non-profit Cape Town Partnership. She contributes to a number newspapers and magazines, including Real Simple, Reader’s Digest and O Magazine. Her short story “Homing Pigeons” was included in African Compass: New Writing from Southern Africa 2005. In 2007, her debut novel All We Have Left Unsaid won the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for Best First Book in Africa, and, jointly, the Herman Charles Bosman Award. She participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the US Department of State.

KIM Do Eon
2009 Resident
fiction writer, non-fiction writer

KIM Do Eon made his debut with the short story "Scenes Along the Stream with Iron Stairs," which won the Daejeon Ilbo literary contest in 1998. The following year he won the Hankook Ilbo literary contest with "Boy Meets Girl." He has since published a novella, three short story collections and, in 2008, the novel This Much Trivial Melancholy . Kim has received an ACK Emerging Writers award, and currently edits at Samtoh and Thinking Tree Publishing. He participates courtesy of the Korea Literature Translation Institute (KLTI).

2009 Resident
fiction writer, playwright, screenwriter

Marius IVAŠKEVIČIUS is the author of a collection of short stories, two novels, and five plays, and is widely translated. His dramatic work has been staged in Latvia, Poland, Serbia, Finland, Italy, and Russia, with two plays receiving the Best Lithuanian Play award (2002 and 2004). Ivaskevicius has also written and directed three documentary films, among them Two on the Bridge (2004) and the short My Father (2007). His screenplay for Purple Smoke won the 2001 TransEuroScript prize. He participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the US Department of State.

GE Fei
2009 Resident
fiction writer, non-fiction writer

GE Fei (格非) counts among his many works the short story collection Mizhou, and the novels Shanhe Rumeng (2007), and Renmian Taohua (2004), which won the Chinese Media Outstanding Novel award, underscoring the mark he made on the Chinese postmodernist movement. Among his scholarly publications are On Fiction Narration, The Pendulum of Kafka, and Syren’s Song. Ge Fei is professor of literature at Qinghua University. He participates courtesy of a grant from the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies at the University of Iowa.

KIM Soom
2009 Resident
fiction writer, non-fiction writer

KIM Soom has published three novels, [‘Idiots’] (2006), [‘The Iron’] (2008), and [‘The Water’] (2009), and two collections of short stories, [‘The Fighting Dog’] (2005) and [‘The Bed’], which was selected by Hyundae Munhak as the 2007 Best Novel of the Year. Kim has been a finalist for several literary awards, and was the recipient of the 1998 Munhakdongne prize for new writers. Currently she is an editor at Yolimwon Publishing, and works as a book reviewer for a number of newspapers and literary journals. Her participation is independently funded.

2009 Resident
children's author, fiction writer

Fedosy SANTAELLA has published a novel, four short story collections and three collections of children’s stories. The novels [‘The Unpublished Eventful Journeys of Teofilus Jones’] and [‘ Miguel Luna Against the Aliens’]are forthcoming. His short story collection Postales sub sole won the 2006 Pocaterra Latin American Literature Biennial’s Novel Prize, and the story collection Moon Rocks was recognizedin the 2007 José Antonio Ramos Sucre Literary Biennial. He has written for HBO and Cinemax, and contributes to magazines and newspapers in Venezuela. Santaella is the Creative Writing Workshop coordinator at UNIMET in Caracas. He participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the US Department of State.

2009 Resident
critic, fiction writer, performance artist

Fflur DAFYDD published her first story collection after winning a literature medal at the 1999 Urdd National Eisteddfod. Her first novel Lliwiau Liw Nos [‘Colours by Night’] appeared in 2005; her second novel Atyniad [‘Attraction’] was awarded the prose medal at the 2006 National Eisteddfod; her third novel ['The Library'] received the David Owen Prize in 2009. In 2008, Dafydd published her first novel in English Twenty Thousand Saints. She lectures at the University of Wales, Swansea and publishes on R.S. Thomas. A popular singer-songwriter, she also performs regularly. She participates thanks to funding from the British Council.

Alice PUNG
2009 Resident
fiction writer, non-fiction writer, playwright

Alice PUNG was born in Melbourne to Cambodian parents. She has published the memoir Unpolished Gem (2006), which won the Australian Book Industry Association award for Newcomer of the Year and was short-listed for numerous other awards, ;and the short story collection Growing Up Asian in Australia (2008). Her work was also included in Best Australian Short Stories 2007. A lawyer by trade, she contributes regularly to The Age. She participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the US Department of State.

2009 Resident
fiction writer

Kyoko NAKAJIMA has worked as a magazine reporter and editor. She is the author of six collections of short stories and three novels, most recently E/N/Ji/N in 2009. Her first novel, Futon, was nominated for the 2003 Noma Literature Prize for New Writers. Her book Jochu-tan, a collection of three novellas, is forthcoming in August 2009. She participates courtesy of a grant from the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies at the University of Iowa.

Salomat VAFO
2009 Resident
fiction writer

Salomat VAFO has published the story collections Farida, [‘A Woman Seeking for Herself’], [‘The Heart’s Angel’] and 9/1, and the novels [‘The Adventures of a Wanderer’] and the award-winning [‘An Empire of Mystery’]. Her story [‘A Woman in the Sunset’] was filmatized, and she directed the documentary [‘A White Dress’]. A human rights activist, she received a state prize for her TV program [‘Essence’] about the Soviet-era “cotton case” proceedings. She participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the US Department of State.

2009 Resident
fiction writer, journalist, physician

Hanaa HIJAZI is the author of a collection of short stories titled [‘Bent (a Girl)’] (2001) and the prose collection [‘Did You See Me? I Was Walking in the Street’] (2007). Her work has been translated into Italian and English; her artwork is on the cover of several books. A regular columnist for Albilad newspaper since 2003, she is a family physician in Jeddah. She participates courtesy of the William B. Quarton Foundation.

2009 Resident
fiction writer, playwright

Andreas WEBER is the author of two short story collections, including So nicht! (2007), and the novel Lanz (2004), and the editor of the collections Ritalin Baby - Bohemian and Austrian Stories (2003), Experienced History (2004), and Stifter Reloaded (2005). Weber has also written and directed The Perfect Moment - a Film about Mario Kempes (2006), Der Speckjaeger - a Portrait of Hermann Gail (1999), and Dear Fritz - a Film about Fritz Habeck (1995). His play Rebellen was first staged in 2003. He participates courtesy of the Max Kade Foundation.

2009 Resident
fiction writer, poet, screenwriter, translator

Yasser ABDEL-LATIF is the author of two poetry collections; the latest [‘Nocturnal Round’] was published in 2009. His first novel [‘Law of Inheritance’] won the 2005 Sawiris Prize in the young authors category. Abdel-Latif has also edited the short story collection [‘Half Past Seven on Wednesday Evenings’] and his articles and translations have appeared in numerous magazines. He is also a scriptwriter; his screen credits include No One Came Back (2007), The Eagle Road (2004), and An Upright Citizen from Maadi (2002). He participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the US Department of State.

Mabrouck RACHEDI
2009 Resident
fiction writer, non-fiction writer

Mabrouck RACHEDI. Alongside a job in banking, Rachedi has published articles in a wide variety of French periodical newspapers, including Metro and Respect Magazine. He is the author of two novels, Le petit Malik [‘Little Malik’] (2008) and Le Poids d’une âme [‘The Weight of a Soul’] (2006) and an essay, Éloge du miséreux [‘In praise of the down-and-out ’] (2007). Of Algerian heritage, he regularly comments on immigrant-related issues on television, radio, and other media, and is active in cultural and citizenship outreach programs. He participates courtesy of the US Embassy in Paris.

KANG Youngsook
2009 Resident
fiction writer

KANG Youngsook made her literary debut with the short story collection [‘Shaken’] in (2002). Her other story collections are [‘Every Day is a Celebration’](2004) and [‘Black in Red’](2009). For her full-length novel, Rina (2006),which was serialized in the quarterly Literary Joongang, she received the 39th Hankook Ilbo Award. She has participated in the Seoul Young Writers’ Festival and the East Asia Literature Forum in 2008. Since 1990, Kang has served as an advisory member of the Korea Dialogue Academy. She participates courtesy of Arts Council Korea.

Vicente Garcia GROYON
2009 Resident
fiction writer, filmmaker, non-fiction writer, poet

Vicente Garcia GROYON is a two-time winner of the Manila Critics Circle National Book Award for The Sky Over Dimas (2004) and On Cursed Ground and Other Stories (2005), and the editor of a number of anthologies and collections of Filipino fiction. He has written four film scripts, including Agaton and Mindy (2009) and Namets! (2008), and directed several shorts. Currently he teaches at De La Salle University in Manila. He participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the US Department of State.

Osman Pius CONTEH
2009 Resident
fiction writer

Osman Pius CONTEH lives in Freetown and is the author of four books published by Macmillan UK, Double Trouble (1990), For Better For Worse (1995), Bitter Consequences (1996), and Unanswered Cries (2002), which won the Macmillan Writers Prize for Africa; he is now working on his fifth novel, If You Scream, We Will Kill You. He is a member of PEN Sierra Leone, which is working to improve the literary culture and opportunities in the country. He participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the US Department of State.

DUNG Kai-cheung
2009 Resident
critic, fiction writer

DUNG Kai-cheung (董啟章) has published fiction including [‘Androgyny: Evolution of a Nonexistent Species’] (1996), [‘The Atlas: Archaeology of an Imaginary City’] (1997), , [‘The Rose of the Name’] (1997), [‘Visible Cities’] (1998), [‘The Catalog’] (1999), [‘A Brief History of the Silverfish’] (2002) and [‘Histories of Time’] (2007), garnering him the United Daily News Special Award for Fiction in Taiwan and the Best Artist 2007/2008 Award (literary arts) from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. He teaches creative writing and Hong Kong literature at local universities. He participates in the program thanks to a grant from The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation in Hong Kong.

2010 Resident
children's author, fiction writer

Ofir TOUCHE GAFLA has written scripts for animation, a rock opera, and children’s stories. His first book [End’s World ] won the 2004 Geffen Award for Best SF/Fantasy, and the Kugel Award for Hebrew Literature. Since then he has published [The Cataract in the Mind’s Eye] (2005), [Behind the Fog] (2007), and [The Day the Music Died] (2010). His stories have appeared in the anthologies A Full Stomach, When Madeleine Stowe is Crying, News From the Underworld, and Icon Book, in journals such as Nails, Time-Out and Thesis, and on-line at Ynet. He teaches creative writing at Sam Spiegel School of Cinema in Jerusalem. His participation is made possible by the Fulbright Foundation of Israel.


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