Participants by Genre

Participants: Poet

2005 Resident
critic, poet

John MATEER has published five collections of poetry. He has won the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for Poetry in 2001, and the Centenary Medal for his contributions to Australian literature. His most recent book of poems, The Ancient Capital of Images, details his experiences living in South Africa, Australia, and Japan. In 2004 he also published Semar’s Cave: An Indonesian Journal, a travel account from Sumatra and Java, and contributes regularly essays and articles on contemporary art to Art Monthly Australia. He is participating courtesy of the Australian Council and the Chicago Humanities Festival.

2005 Resident
editor, journalist, poet, translator

Laila NEIHOUM contributes to many of Libya’s publications, including Albait (which she directs) and the magazines Almouatamer, Almajal, and Four Seasons. She oversees the Kol El Fenoun newspaper and writes a weekly column on English-language authors for the daily Al Jamahiriya. Ms. Neihoum has put together a collection of poems by young Libyans, Teseneon ('Poets from the 1990s'), and a collecction of global short stories, Ofoq min lazaward ('Azure horizons'). She is participating courtesy of the US Department of State.

Mani RAO
2005 Resident, 2009 Resident
non-fiction writer, poet, translator

Mani RAO is the author of seven books of poetry. Her essays and poems have appeared in Tinfish, Wasafiri, West Coast Line, 91st Meridian, Fulcrum, Zoland Poetry and many anthologies, with translations published in seven languages. Rao is currently completing a poetic translation of the Bhagavad Gītā from Sanskrit.

2005 Resident

Nadia ABDULJABBAR studied literature, and now lectures, at King Abdul Aziz University in the Department of European Languages and Literature. She writes her poetry in English. Women with Wings, a bilingual collection for which the author provided free verse Arabic translations, was published in 2003. A new bilingual collection, Prisoner of Poems, is due out in the next year. She is participating courtesy of the US Department of State.

2005 Resident
fiction writer, non-fiction writer, poet, translator

Lidija DIMKOVSKA studied comparative literature at the University of Skopje, then earned a Ph.D. in Romanian literature from the University of Bucharest, where she taught Macedonian language and literature. Now she lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her books of poetry include The Offspring of the East, The Fire of Letters, Bitten Nails, and Nobel vs. Nobel., and an edited anthology of recent Macedonian poetry. Her first novel, Candid Camera, won the “Stale Popov” award for best prose work. In 2006 Ugly Duckling Presse (New York) will publish a selection of her poetry. She is participating courtesy of CEC/ ArtsLink. Photo: G.Gross Dimkovska.

Rafael COURTOISIEBeyhaut
2006 Resident
fiction writer, non-fiction writer, poet

Rafael COURTOISIE Beyhaut is one of Uruguay’s leading writers, with work published in the U.S., Latin America, and Europe. The author of three novels, sixteen volumes of poetry, and a prolific essayist, he has won both his country's National Prize in Narrative for his first novel A Dog’s Life (1997), and the National Prize in Poetry for his 2002 collection Frontiers of Umbria. He teaches screenwriting at the Escuela de Cine del Uruguay in Montevideo. He participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.

2006 Resident
editor, fiction writer, poet

James NORCLIFFE has published five collections of poetry, most recently Along Blueskin Road (2005), a collection of short stories, Chinese Interpreter (1994) and five novels for young adults, among them The Assassin of Gleam (2006). His writing has appeared widely in New Zealand and the U.S.; his prizes include the Lilian Ida Smith Award (1990), the Robert Burns Fellowship (2000), and the Christchurch Press Literary Liaisons Honour Award (2003). A member and officer of the NZ Society of Authors, he is currently the president of the New Zealand Poetry Society. He participates courtesy of the Arts Council of New Zealand.

2006 Resident
fiction writer, journalist, poet, translator

Polina KOPYLOVA is a graduate of Saint-Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television. She works as a freelance journalist, specializing in modern literature and television. She has also participated in translation projects in English and Finnish. From 2000-2003, she was a correspondent for the magazine Piterbook. She lives in Helsinki, where she is actively involved in the literary community. She participates courtesy of the Open World Program.

Gentian ÇOÇOLI
2006 Resident
poet, translator

Gentian ÇOÇOLI has published three collections of poetry, most recently Human Soil (2006). He has translated several contemporary American poets, and won a prize for his translation of Seamus Heaney. In 2001 his Circumference of Ash was selected a Best Poetry Book of the Year by the Ministry of Culture. The founder of the literary journal Aleph Review and of the publishing house Aleph Publishing, he currently heads the Culture and Art Department in Albania's Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. He participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.

2006 Resident

Srijato BANDYOPADHYAY, among the most prolific of the new generation of Bengali-language poets, has published eight poetry collections, including Flying Jokers (2004), which won two literary awards, and The Story of Katiusha (2006). His poems appear in numerous magazines in West Bengal. He lives in Kolkata, where he edits the literary journal Jaruri Abastha [State of Emergency]. He participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.

2006 Resident
fiction writer, poet, translator

Ashur ETWEBI is a physician and senior lecturer at Zawia Teaching Hospital. In his literary career, he has translated the poems of W.B. Yeats, as well as collections of American, Lithuanian, and Canadian modern poetry. Since 1993, he has published four collections of poems, most recently A Box of the Old Laughs (2005). His work is widely anthologized in the Arab-speaking world and Europe, including the Anthology of Modern Arabic Poetry (France). In 2001, he ventured into prose with his first novel, Dardaneen. He participates courtesy of the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.

2006 Resident
editor, poet, translator

Doris KAREVA has published thirteen poetry collections, most recently Shape of Time (2005). Her poems have been translated into fifteen languages; in 2003 her collection Mandragora was staged by Tallin City Theatre. Kareva has edited anthologies of Estonian poetry, and translated the work of Auden, Beckett, Dickinson, and Shakespeare. After winning the State Cultural Prize in 1993, she launched 'Straw Stipend,' which provides publication funding for ten young Estonian poets. She currently serves as Secretary General of the Estonian National Commission for UNESCO. She participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.

Véronique TADJO
2006 Resident
children's author, fiction writer, poet

Véronique TADJO from Ivory Coast is the author of two poetry collections, five novels, and several children’s books. She attended Howard University on a Fulbright, and has a doctorate in African American Studies from the Sorbonne. For several years, she taught at the University of Abidjan in Ivory Coast. She edited and illustrated Talking Drums (2000), an anthology of African poetry. Her work has been awarded by the Agence de Cooperation Culturelle et Technique and the UNICEF, with the novel Reine Pokou ['Queen Pokou'] receiving this year's Grand Prix Littéraire d'Afrique Noire. She lives in South Africa. She participates courtesy of a private gift to the IWP.

CHOI Jung Lae
2006 Resident
non-fiction writer, poet, scholar

CHOI Jung Lae (Jeongrye) has published four books of poetry, most notably Tigers in the Sunlight, which received the Kimdaljin Literary Prize in 1999, and Red Dry Field, which won the Isu Literary Prize in 2003. She holds a PhD in Korean modern poetry from Korea University, where she has recently lectured. She has also served as a research professor at Jeonju University, located in Jeollabuk-do. She participates courtesy of the Korean Literature Translation Institute.

2006 Resident
critic, journalist, poet, scholar

Partaw NADERI has published five poetry collections and several prose books on modern Afghan literature. His work has been translated into five languages, including English. An artist, scholar, journalist, and literary critic, Naderi has edited Zhwandoon Quarterly Magazine, directed the Art and Cultural Programs section for Radio Afghanistan, and reported on current affairs for BBC World Service. Currently, he is with the Afghan Civil Society Forum in Kabul. He participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.

Emmanuel LAUGIER
2006 Resident
editor, non-fiction writer, poet

Emmanuel LAUGIER has published several books of poetry, including L’oeil bande ['Eye Patch'] (1997), and Suivantes ['The Following'] (2004). As an editor for L’Animal Revue, he has assembled critical volumes and anthologies on contemporary poetry, most recently Poésie: Variations ['Poetry: Variations'] (2005). He contributes regularly to French literary journals such as Le Matricule des Anges. He participates in the International Writing Program courtesy of the Consulate General of France and the Department of French and Italian at the University of Iowa.

2006 Resident
editor, poet

Mimi KHALVATI was born in Tehran and grew up on the Isle of Wight. Her poetry collections include Mirrorwork (1995), which received an Arts Council Writers' Award, Selected Poems (2000), and The Chine (2002). Active as an actor and director in both the UK and Iran, she has founded Matrix, a women's experimental theatre group, and co-founded Theatre in Exile. She is also the founder of the Poetry School in London. She participates courtesy of the William B. Quarton International Writing Program Scholarship.

U MOE Hein
2006 Resident
poet, translator

U MOE Hein works in Burmese as well as in English. His translations include literary criticism and philosophy, and the Burmese poetry collections Through Life’s Perils (1983) and Sweet Odour of Padauk and Dokchampa (2002). In 1998, two of his poems were anthologized by the National Library of Poetry in Maryland. In 1999, Mr. Moe published his first book of poetry in English, Harmony of Head and Heart, and is currently working on a second volume. He teaches English language, Buddhist Philosophy, and Ethics to monks at the State Priyatti Sasana University, Yangon. He participates courtesy of the Open Society Institute.

2006 Resident
fiction writer, poet

Lev USYSKIN contributes regularly to magazines and literary journals in Russia. His short novel Frunze Narratives was nominated in 1998 for the Russian Booker Prize. Twice in 2001, he won first place in the “Prose” category of the literary Internet competition “Ulov." He has published one book of poems, A Road to Uchsumabad (1995) and a collection of short stories, Nurse Angela (2005). He lives in Sankt Petersburg and participates courtesy of the Open World Program.

José Eugenio SANCHEZ Garza
2006 Resident

José Eugenio SANCHEZ Garza has published three collections of poetry, most recently Happiness is a Warm Gun (2004). His second book, Physical Graffiti (1997) won him the International Poetry Grant from the Loewe Foundation; he also received two writing fellowships from Mexico’s Fund for Culture and Arts (FONCA), and a Young Poetry Award of Monterrey. At present, he is a member of FONCA’s National System of Creators of Art. His poems are included in Latin-American anthologies in Spain, Argentina, Cuba, Colombia and the United States. He participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.


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